White Oak with Walnut Backed Reflex Deflex All Wood Bow(remake-lessons learned)

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White Oak with Walnut Backed Reflex Deflex All Wood Bow(remake-lessons learned)

This, being one of my first bows since my resurrection of this hobby, it had some issues. It was set aside until it thought I knew enough to determine what was wrong. It had terrible hand shake and was very unpleasant to shoot.

I was researching how to make my bows more efficient. After purchasing a chronograph, ( I bought this one, with the light kit



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74″ tip to tip.   2″ wide limbs at the widest

Maple nock overlay

The String is braided 15 (3 – 5 strands each – red/black/orange) strands BCY B55 Polyester Bowstring with .030 BCY Halo Serving.


This form is just a straight 2 x 6. The reflex, deflex is made by blocking up the middle an tips.


I used this tung oil finish for this bow. The only real reason was the tru-oil was in the house, and I was in the shop when I was ready to add the first coat. I don’t see much difference in these finishes.



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